
Each person is unique and irreplaceable.
Everyone's got his own features and skills.
in everyone's chest, beats a different heart.
We're all alike and still deeply different.
If you think over it,it's anything but unfair.
It is the reason for which it's worth to exist and be friends.
Because of this, everyone of us has something special.
With this something special, we can fill our live with.
People reach their dreams together.
Even when they're far apart.
The beauty of one's sorrow when parting is the evidence of the
deepness of one's love.
So, if one fears sadness, one wouldn't be able to love anything.
Sadness is something that's bound to visit everyone who's born.
But, for those who live, happiness is also bound to be waiting for them somewhere.
And this happiness, is something that you need to earn on by withstanding and overcoming pain
with your own strength.
Even if you failed once, just keep it up.
Nothing new comes into the world without a few failures.
A failure today means a better chance of success tomorrow.
So do for happiness...
A sadness is a way to feel happiness.

inspired by notes of Belldandy


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