
Tentang Menengok Rumput Tetangga

Sebentar lagi saya ulang tahun. Ya, pokoknya sebentar lagi. Entah di mana, saya pernah membaca bahwa pada saat bayi manusia membutuhkan tidur yang terbanyak, sekitar 16 jam. Semakin tua, jam tidur akan semakin berkurang. Itu katanya - ada penelitiannya dan sebagainya. Saya membaca artikel tersebut sambil lalu, tetapi saya mulai merasakannya, terutama akhir-akhir ini. Rasa-rasanya sulit sekali jatuh tertidur di malam hari. "Pola makan kali... ", "Makanya olah raga dong...", "Doa, biar hati tenang...", "Ngitung domba coba...", "Aroma terapi...", "Musik-musik yoga..." Kawanku... terima kasih masukannya, tetapi kenyataannya ngomong itu memang lebih gampang daripada melakukan dan merasakan. Yah, apa pun itu, yang jelas setiap malam sepertinya otak saya sibuk sekali - layaknya bocah yang berlarian dan jumpalitan ke sana ke mari tanpa tentu arah. Ini terapi terakhir yang beberapa waktu saya tinggalkan karena tidak ada waktu (baca: ti...


So finally I realized that it was already 2 years ago, the last time I wrote in my blog. I noticed that the last time I wrote was by the time I entered the Grad School. I graduated. I attained my M.A. and now I work as a development worker. Many things happened in 2 years (I cant believe it's just 2 years, it feels like forever). This blog will still be my semi-autobiography. I tell stories that people may or may not want to hear (sorry bout that). I promise someone that I am gonna publish at least a book, in my life. Since this recent time has been quite still, flowing with no significant wave, I will start to write again. I hope.

Graduate Student

Little did I imagine that I would be such an ambitious person. I mean, I preferred laying low to flying, or silence to debate. Now is too late to stay put or even back off. I have to move forward. In short, I will start my new chapter of life. The last chapter was closed like half a year ago. And the new chapter will start in a week. I will be a student again. Maybe it will influence my genre of writing, starts from now. But...oh well, who the hell knows? This is a writing to lift my rotten spirit up. Since, soon, I will be a student of M.A in International Relations. ... I am so excited -_-a


It's been a while since last time I wrote things in English. Guess I should put more effort on it now, since I absolutely do not want my English skills to vanish. Hospital. It is not pleasurable to stay there, of course. As a patient. My 'hospitalized experiences' is more than needed, for a person as old as I am. I suppose. I used to grieve so I tend not to care or think much about it. What can you see in a hospital? Sick patients. Exhausted doctors. Anxious families. Overworked cleaning services. Some dedicated some bored staffs. Angels. God of Death. All of the elements are deliberately or not, directly or not, related to life and death. The atmosphere inside is always unique. Mixed of happiness, sadness, hope, desperation, passion, anger, frustration, believing... As I lie down on a hospital bed, I am wondering. How many people died on this bed? How many people survived? How was the feeling of families crying by the bed? Were they losing hope? How could they s...


Setiap orang adalah pahlawan. Entah bagi orang lain ataupun bagi dirinya sendiri. Setiap orang adalah pahlawan. Mereka berjuang menolak untuk menyerah. Pahlawan bukanlah mereka yang memiliki kekuatan luar biasa dan menguasai dunia dengannya. Namun mereka yang berani menggunakan kelebihannya untuk berkorban.